How to Write an Application Letter for University (+Sample Included)


You’ve done the soul-searching and have finally figured out what you want to study in university. Great! Now, it’s time to apply. After preparing your transcripts, recommendations, and application form, you sit down for the most challenging part: your university application letter.

A well-written and attractive university application letter is an integral part of your university application package. Your university application letter is an extension of yourself and should clearly outline your motivation for applying to the university and how your acceptance can propel your future goals.

Writing the university or college application letter can be a daunting task; after all, it may mean the difference between acceptance and rejection. Universities place great importance on university application letters and an outstanding letter can not only result in your acceptance but also land you a scholarship! However, writing your application letter for university is a good exercise in figuring out how you apply what you want to study to what you want to do in the future!

This article will cover everything you need to know about the university application letters and will give you the tips and tricks you need to take yours to the next level!


What Is a University Application Letter?

A university application cover letter is unique from other application letters such as motivation letters for university, letters of interest for university applications, and recommendation/reference letters for university applications. Here is the difference between the three:

A university application letter is highly personalizable, yet contains the following base points:

When reading your college admissions cover letter, admission officers expect to find all of these points, so they should be specifically tailored to both the university and program you are applying to!

What to Include in a Cover Letter for University Application

Now, let’s break down a college application letter into its parts.

Reason for your interest in the school

University seats are always in limited demand and high supply; this makes proving your choice of university all the more important.

In your college application letter, you can begin by briefly outlining why you chose the university you are applying to and how the program you are enrolling in can help you achieve your academic and professional goals. Your university application letter can also include things that make the university stand out from the competition making it a more appealing choice!

Above all, remember to keep your university application letter honest and genuine. A disingenuous letter can be easily sniffed out by an admissions officer!

For example, here is an excerpt from a political science student’s university application letter:

I am writing to formally express my interest in pursuing my studies at Hopkins University. After conducting thorough research into universities, I have chosen your institution because of the great attention that is paid to the political science department. The curriculum is unique in that it takes a more practical approach to learning and I believe that this unique method of instruction aligns perfectly with my personal and academic goals.

Your academic goals and interests

In your college admissions letter, highlight your academic goals and interests. Admissions officers like to see applicants have the potential and drive to not only succeed in the program of their choice but thrive and apply the knowledge they gain in things that they are interested in!

Here is a short example of how you can express your academic goals in your college application letter:

I wish to pursue my undergraduate degree in History. While my immediate focus will be my studies, I wish to realize my childhood dream of becoming a historian and author upon graduation. The History department at ABC University is my top choice and I believe that my admission will allow me to advance my academic career in the best way possible.

Your background and future interests

Your university application cover letter should provide a little bit of context as to who you are and what you want to do with your life. Your college admission letter, therefore, should briefly mention your reasoning for applying to the program you have chosen and how it will benefit your future professional endeavors.

Consider this example from an art major’s university application letter:

For as long as I can remember, I have nurtured and developed my love for the arts and have dreamed of becoming a painter. Throughout my life, my parents have encouraged me to live a life doing things that make me happy; I am blessed that my source of happiness directly relates to my academic and future professional life.

Connections to the school that you may have (if any)

When possible, take advantage of existing connections within the university in your college admission letter. These connections can come from previous or existing graduates or faculty and staff and can help you increase your perspective and knowledge of the university.

Here is an example of how you can mention your connections in your college admissions letter:

After consulting numerous Dale University graduates and faculty, I am confident in my choice of your university.

Your application documents

In your university application letter, be sure to mention the documents you have included in your application package. This subtle indication should be included in your concluding remarks and helps to show your proactivity and interest in moving forward in the admissions process.

Here is an example of how you can mention your application documents in your university application letter:

I have attached my high school transcripts, recommendations, and application form as part of my university application package. Please refer to them at your earliest convenience.

A CTA for considering

A strong call to action in your college application letter, or CTA, is a good way to display your genuine interest in moving forward with your university application! A CTA is essentially a statement of intent for how you would like to progress with the application process.

Take this CTA from a psychology student’s university application letter:

Thank you for your evaluation. Should any supplemental documents be required, I am available at any time. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Your contact details

Your college application cover letter should include your contact information! This information, while included in other parts of the application package, is a good addition to your admissions letter to help university admissions officers organize your information and potentially contact you, should further information be required.

This section can be incorporated in many ways into your cover letter for college admission. Here is an example:

I can be contacted via email at [email protected] or by telephone at 123-456-7890 should any further information be required.

How to Write and Format an Application Letter for University

Now, let’s take a look at how to write an application letter for a university.

Write your contact details.

The contact information that should be included in a university application letter is the same as what you would include in a standard cover letter. This information includes:

Write the date.

Your university application cover letterhead should also Include the date you wrote the letter beneath your contact information.

Write the school/admission office’s contact details.

Your college admissions cover letterhead should also include the contact information of the admissions office/university. This is similar to your contact information and should include:

Use a proper salutation.

Begin your college application letter with a formal salutation. The standard, in this case, is “Dear”. Be sure to avoid informal salutations such as “Hey”, “Hi”, and “Hello”.

💡 Tip: Do your best to personalize your university application letter in every way that you can. You can personalize the salutation of your college admissions letter by finding out the name of the admissions officer you will be writing to. This information can be found either on the application form, on the university website, or by calling the university!

Write the contents of your letter.

This is the meat and bones of your college application letter. The contents of your college application letter should include:

Include a sign-off.

Close off your college admissions letter with a strong sign-off. Thank the admissions officer for reading your letter, refer to the documents you have attached to your college application package, and end with a strong call to action!

You can increase the impact of your university application letter by restating how your admission into university will help you realize your dreams!

Tips on How to Write an Application Letter for University Admission

Here are some tips and tricks to spice up your university admissions letter!

💡 Include your research about the institution.

You should avoid applying to universities arbitrarily. Conduct research into any university you are thinking about applying to. That way, you can make the most informed decision for your future and your college application letter will reflect this!

💡 Show traits that make you a competitive candidate.

Distinguish yourself from other applicants in your university admissions cover letter. Highlight your skills and relevant qualifications that make you both an interesting and competitive candidate.

💡 Be unique and include a personal touch.

Remember, your college application letter is an extension of your personality, skills, and qualifications. Including a short anecdote or personal story in your letter lends a level of personality and gives admission officers a clearer understanding of the person you are outside of academics!

💡 Ask for others’ opinions and advice.

University is unlike any other educational environment that you have experienced. Consult others who have been through college and learn from their experiences.

💡 Always proofread and use the correct letter format.

As a rule of thumb, you should avoid submitting anything you have not proofread at least once. Your university application letter is no different. Ensure that your letter format is consistent and correct and that your punctuation and tone are suitable. If you have trouble proofreading your own work, asking a friend or family member for their input is always okay!

University Application Letter Example

Let’s begin with a sample university application letter to give you a better idea of its layout.

Joe Adams
40 North Avenue
Tampa, FL 11111
+1 (421) 123-4567
[email protected]

September 1, 2023

Mark Sanchez
Admissions Officer
Orion University
San Francisco, CA 90231

Dear Mr. Sanchez,

I am writing to formally express my interest in undertaking my bachelor's studies at Orion University. After consulting many alumni and current faculty, I am confident that Orion University and its well-rounded and holistic curriculum that focuses on practical application as well as theory is the best fit for me both in terms of character and academically.

Throughout my academic career, I have maintained a high degree of participation in my studies and extracurricular activities. I have maintained a 3.9 GPA and have participated in several capacities, including student association vice-president, volleyball captain, and Rotaract Club member. I believe that these experiences have taught me many lessons and have reinforced the skills that will allow me to succeed at your institution. I wish to apply what I learn here in my future career as a political analyst for the government, as it has been a longstanding dream of mine to serve my country in any way that I can.

Per your request, I have attached my transcript, recommendations, and essays to my application package. If you require further information, I can be contacted via email or telephone at any time. Thank you for your time and evaluation and I look forward to hearing from and meeting you soon.

Cover Letter for University Admission Template

Here is a complete template of a university admission cover letter.

[Your name]
[Your job title] (if any)

[Your home address]
[Your email address]
[Your telephone number]

[Name of admissions officer/university]
[Job title of admissions officer] (if applicable)
[University name]
[University address]

Dear [Mr./Ms./Mrs.][Admissions officer’s last name],

I am writing to express my interest in undertaking my [degree level] studies at [university name]. After consulting many alumni and current faculty, I am confident that [university name] and it's [reason that makes the university unique] is the best fit for me both in terms of character and academically.

Throughout my academic career, I have maintained a high degree of participation in my studies and extracurricular activities. I have maintained a [GPA] and have participated in several activities, including [2-3 activities that you participated in during high school]. I believe that these experiences have taught me [skills that will help you in university] and allow me to succeed at your institution. I wish to apply what I learn at [university name] in my future career as a [future professional goal and reason why you have chosen this field of work].

Per your request, I have attached my [documents that were requested to be attached to your application package]. If you need any further supplemental information, I can be contacted via [email and telephone information] at any time. [Thank the admissions officer for reading your letter]. [Call to action that expresses how much you look forward to hearing from them].

[Your full name]

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When submitting your CV, it is crucial to include an application letter. This letter provides an opportunity to showcase your communication skills, express your interest in the position, and highlight why you are the ideal candidate for the job. By including a well-crafted application letter, you can demonstrate your professionalism and attention to detail, which can ultimately increase your chances of securing a job interview.

And there you have it! At this point, you should be well on your way to crafting the best university application letter. Here’s a quick recap of the most important parts:

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— Originally written by Alexander Coye —