Ir conjugation: Full Ir conjugation charts, with examples

ir conjugation

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Verbs are the engines that power communication, and ir is a particularly fundamental verb in the Spanish language due to its frequent usage and versatility in expressing movement, future plans, and much more. That’s why today we bring you a complete guide to ir conjugation in all the Spanish tenses.

We’ll start by covering the main meanings and uses of ir, and then dive straight into ir conjugation in every tense and mood, providing an ir conjugation chart for each one.

Ir meanings and uses

Ir is usually translated as to go in English, but it’s used to express varied meanings. Let’s take a look at the main uses of ir in Spanish.

Movement: going

One of the primary uses of ir is to denote physical movement from one location to another. This is the classic use of ir, meaning to go. It can refer to going to a specific place, or to movement in general.

Near future: going to

Ir is also used to talk about future plans, actions or intentions, and is translated as going to in English. For this use, ir is conjugated according to the subject, and then the preposition a is added along with the verb indicating the action in infinitive form.

We recommend you to take a look at our post on the “voy a” future hack to learn more about this use of ir in Spanish, as well as our detailed post on the Spanish infinitive for an explanation of the base verb form.

Ir expressions

Some common expressions referring to activities are formed with ir.


Ir also has a pronominal form, irse, which essentially translates as to take one’s leave. We look at this form in more detail in our post on ir vs irse, along with more details on ir itself.

Ir conjugation

Now that we’ve covered the main uses of ir in Spanish, we’ll move on to the main topic of this post: ir conjugation. Ir is an irregular verb that doesn’t follow regular conjugation patterns, and it has plenty of stem changes.

In the following sections, we’ll provide you with an ir conjugation chart for every tense and mood, as well as plenty of examples to make sure every bit is clear.

Although we’ll cover ir conjugation for each tense, we’re not going to go too deep into how each tense is used. You can check our post on all the verb tenses in Spanish for a full overview of their differences, and keep an eye out for the additional links we’ll provide for individual moods and tenses.

Now, without further ado, let’s get into ir conjugation!

Indicative mood

The indicative mood is used to express statements of fact or reality. It is the most commonly used mood in everyday communication. Here we’ll present ir conjugation in all the tenses used in the indicative mood: present, preterite, imperfect, conditional, future, and all the perfect forms.

Ir present conjugation

Notice the sharp stem change for the present tense conjugation. For all subjects except for yo, the stem is va-.

We encourage you to explore our post on the simple present tense, as well as the one on stem-changing verbs for more details on these concepts.

Subject Ir conjugation present tense
Yo voy
Él, Ella, Usted vas
Nosotros, Nosotras vamos
Vosotros, Vosotras vais
Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes van

Ir conjugation preterite

The conjugation for ir in the preterite tense is also irregular, and takes a stem change to fu-. Be careful, because these ir conjugations are actually identical to the ser conjugations in this tense!

Subject Ir preterite tense conjugation
Yo fui
Él, Ella, Usted fue
Nosotros, Nosotras fuimos
Vosotros, Vosotras fuisteis
Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes fueron

We recommend you to check out our post on how to master the Spanish preterite to learn all there is to know about this tense.

Ir imperfect conjugation

For the ir past tense conjugation in imperfect, the stem is ib- followed by the respective verb endings. The conjugation for the first-person plural, nosotros, takes an accent in the first syllable to preserve the pronunciation.

Since in Spanish there are two simple tenses to talk about the past, translations aren’t always exact. Take a look at our beginner’s guide to the Spanish imperfect tense for more on this past tense, and at our guide to the preterite vs imperfect tenses to learn how to use each one smoothly.

Subject Ir imperfect conjugation
Yo iba
Él, Ella, Usted iba
Nosotros, Nosotras íbamos
Vosotros, Vosotras ibais
Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes iba

Ir conditional tense

Verbs conjugated in the Spanish conditional tense usually follow a regular conjugation. For the ir conjugation in this tense, just add the regular verb endings to the stem ir-. Ir conditional tense conjugation is translated in English as would go.

Subject Ir conjugation conditional
Yo iría
Él, Ella, Usted iría
Nosotros, Nosotras iríamos
Vosotros, Vosotras iríais
Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes irían

Ir future tense

Ir conjugation in the Spanish future tense follows the regular conjugation pattern, meaning that it’s formed by adding the endings to the infinitive. Ir future tense conjugation is translated into English as will go.

Subject Ir future conjugation
Yo iré
Él, Ella, Usted irá
Nosotros, Nosotras iremos
Vosotros, Vosotras iréis
Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes irán

Compound tenses

In this section, we provide the complete ir conjugation chart for the indicative perfect forms. To form the compound tenses, it’s necessary to conjugate the auxiliary verb haber and then add the past participle of ir, which is ido.

Check our detailed post on the Spanish past participle for a lesson on this verb form. For more details about haber, take a look at our post comparing haber vs tener.

For progressive tenses, we use the gerund of ir, which is yendo.

Subject Present perfect Past perfect
Yo he ido había ido
has ido habías ido
Él, Ella, Usted ha ido había ido
Nosotros, Nosotras hemos ido habíamos ido
Vosotros, Vosotras habéis ido habíais ido
Ustedes, Ellos, Ellas han ido habían ido
Subject Perfect future Perfect conditional
Yo habré ido habría ido
habrás ido habrías ido
Él, Ella, Usted habrá ido habría ido
Nosotros, Nosotras habremos ido habríamos ido
Vosotros, Vosotras habréis ido habríais ido
Ustedes, Ellos, Ellas habrán ido habrían ido

Subjunctive mood

The subjunctive mood in Spanish is a grammatical mood used to express various subjective attitudes, such as desires, doubts, possibilities, judgment, or hypothetical situations. This mood can be a bit tricky for Spanish learners, so we recommend you start with our post on the Spanish subjunctive simplified for beginners if you need a deeper explanation.

Moving on, let’s get into our ir subjunctive conjugation charts.

Ir present subjunctive

The present subjunctive Spanish ir conjugation has a complete stem change. It becomes vay-, followed by the present subjunctive endings for -ir verbs.

Subject Ir subjunctive conjugation
Yo vaya
Él, Ella, Usted vaya
Nosotros, Nosotras vayamos
Vosotros, Vosotras vayáis
Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes vayan

Ir imperfect subjunctive

Again, the stem changes and becomes fu- in our imperfect ir subjunctive conjugation. Note that there are two ways to conjugate the imperfect subjunctive, so we include both options here. To learn more about this phenomenon and other important details, check our post on the Spanish imperfect subjunctive.

This is another tense in which the ir conjugations are identical to the conjugations of the verb ser.

Subject Ir imperfect subjunctive
Yo fuera / fuese
fueras / fueses
Él, Ella, Usted fuera / fuese
Nosotros, Nosotras fuéramos / fuésemos
Vosotros, Vosotras fuerais / fueseis
Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes fueran / fuesen

Ir future subjunctive

Just like the imperfect subjunctive, the stem for ir in future subjunctive is fu-. Keep in mind that this tense is not commonly used in Spanish and is almost solely found in classical texts. This is the final tense where the ir and ser conjugations are identical.

Subject Ir future subjunctive
Yo fuere
Él, Ella, Usted fuere
Nosotros, Nosotras fuéremos
Vosotros, Vosotras fuereis
Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes fueren

Compound ir subjunctive conjugation

Just like the indicative mood, subjunctive compound tenses in Spanish are formed by combining the appropriate form of the auxiliary verb haber in the present and imperfect subjunctive with the past participle of ir: ido.

Subject Perfect subjunctive Pluperfect subjunctive
Yo haya ido hubiera ido / hubiese ido
hayas ido hubieras ido / hubieses ido
Él, Ella, Usted haya ido hubiera ido / hubiese ido
Nosotros, Nosotras hayamos ido hubiéramos ido / hubiésemos ido
Vosotros, Vosotras hayáis ido hubierais ido / hubieseis ido
Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes hayan ido hubieran ido / hubiesen ido

Imperative mood

The imperative mood in Spanish is used to give commands, make requests, or offer suggestions. It is a verb form that expresses direct and often urgent instructions or advice. You can learn more about this tense by checking our post on Spanish commands.

Now, let’s see the imperative ir conjugation. Since this mood takes two conjugations when used in the affirmative vs the negative, we include both forms here. Note the highly irregular form for vosotros: id.

Subject ir imperative
[Tú] ve / no vayas
[Usted] vaya / no vaya
[Nosotros, Nosotras] vamos, vayamos / no vayamos
[Vosotros, Vosotras] id / no vayáis
[Ustedes] vayan / no vayan


Well done! We’ve now covered every ir conjugation in Spanish, in every mood and tense.

We started with the main meanings and uses of ir in Spanish, and learned that it’s mainly used to express physical movements between locations and to talk about future plans, translating as to go or going to.

Then we went straight into ir conjugation, learning that it’s an irregular verb that goes through complete stem changes in some tenses. We introduced an ir conjugation chart for every tense, and we broke it down by mood, covering the indicative, subjunctive, and imperative moods. We also included plenty of examples to demonstrate each ir conjugation, and make sure you get a good grasp of how they can be used.

And that’s it! Now you have a comprehensive ir conjugation guide that you can always come back to if needed. Share this post with your fellow Spanish learners to make their learning journey easier, and we’ll see you in the next post. ¡Que te vaya bien! – Hope everything goes well!

Ir conjugation exercises

How do you feel about completing some exercises to put all you’ve learned about ir conjugation into practice?

Provide the correct conjugation of ir according to the mood and tense in parentheses. The answers and translations are below.

1. ¿Crees que Luis _____ conmigo al baile de graduación? (subjunctive: present)

2. Ya te dije que no _____, a menos que tu hermano se disculpe conmigo. (indicative: future)

3. Luis dijo que no _____ porque tiene una cita médica justo a esa hora. (indicative: conditional)

4. Flor y yo _____ mucho a París en nuestra juventud. (indicative: imperfect)

5. Por favor, Ana María, dime que tú sí _____ a la reunión. ¡No tengo idea de qué dijeron! (indicative: preterite)

6. Todavía no _____ a acampar en Los Andes, pero está en mi lista de cosas por hacer. (indicative: present perfect)

7. ¡Ojalá mi vestido _____ tan bonito como el tuyo! (subjunctive: imperfect)

8. Si _____ a la tienda, habría traído leche. (subjunctive: pluperfect)

9. ¡No _____ al centro comercial solos, niños! Esperen a que lleguemos para salir. (imperative)

10. Cuando tengo ganas de caminar, _____ al parque que queda en la esquina. (indicative: present)


1. ¿Crees que Luis vaya conmigo al baile de graduación? – Do you think Luis may go with me to the prom?

2. Ya te dije que no iré, a menos que tu hermano se disculpe conmigo. – I already told you I will not go unless your brother apologizes to me.

3. Luis dijo que no iría porque tiene una cita médica justo a esa hora. – Luis said he would not go because he has a doctor’s appointment right at that time.

4. Flor y yo íbamos mucho a París en nuestra juventud. – Flor and I used to go to Paris a lot when we were young.

5. Por favor, Ana María, dime que tú sí fuiste a la reunión. ¡No tengo idea de qué dijeron! – Please, Ana Maria, tell me you went to the meeting, I have no idea what they said!

6. Todavía no he ido a acampar en Los Andes, pero está en mi lista de cosas por hacer. – I haven’t gone camping in the Andes yet, but it’s on my bucket list.

7. ¡Ojalá mi vestido fuese / fuera tan bonito como el tuyo! – I wish my dress were as pretty as yours!

8. Si hubiera ido / hubiese ido a la tienda, habría traído leche. – If I had gone to the store, I would have brought milk.

9. ¡No vayan al centro comercial solos, niños! Esperen a que lleguemos para salir. – Don’t go to the mall alone, kids! Wait until we get there to leave.

10. Cuando tengo ganas de caminar, voy al parque que queda en la esquina. – When I feel like taking a walk, I go to the park around the corner.


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