Computer skills checklist for students

In order to use technology with our youngest students, we need to make sure that they are comfortable with the basics like using a mouse and logging in. Request a copy of my skills checklist for a list of classroom activities and games that you can use to develop these basic skills.

Classroom Management / Digital Citizenship

Other Skills:

Mouse / Trackpad Skills

Logging In / Out

Google Classroom

Middle School Technology Skills

Middle School students should be familiar with the basics, so now it’s time to help them master Google Classroom, Drive, and Chrome! We want our MS students to begin taking responsibility for their learning and creating their own, unique projects.

Request a copy of my skills checklist for a list of classroom activities and games that you can use to help your students practice these important skills.

Basic Computer Skills:

Google Chrome

Classroom Management / Digital Citizenship

Logging in/out

Google Classroom

Google Docs

High School Technology Skills

By the time students get to high school, they need to take responsibility for their learning by managing their schedules and keeping track of due dates. If your school is 1:1, you would also make sure that students understand how to properly transport and protect their device.

My student technology skills checklist includes a list of activities specifically designed for high school students.

Note: Google’s Applied Digital Skills curriculum is a great resource for teaching students the digital skills they will need to be successful in life and their future career.

Basic Computer Skills

Google Chrome Skills:

Classroom Management / Digital Citizenship:

Google Classroom Skills

Google Drive Skills: