The Child Support Review Process (CSRP) is an in-office administrative process to establish, modify, or enforce child, medical and dental support obligations and determine paternity.
The CSRP will typically take place at a local Child Support Division office. Typically, both parties and a Child Support Officer (CSO) are in the room for the meeting. A CSRP negotiation meeting usually takes about 60 to 90 minutes, depending on many factors, including what issues need to be addressed.
If both parties agree to the terms, the order will be sent to a judge for final signature. If both parties cannot come to an agreement about the child support order, the case will be scheduled for a court hearing.
Cases in which the OAG is aware of family violence or one party is a minor are generally NOT eligible for CSRP.
If you have a CSRP appointment scheduled and you have safety concerns about the process or are unable to make your scheduled date and time, please Contact Us.
Child support cases may be heard in court, if:
If your case is set for court, you will receive notice in the mail or will be formally served with notice paperwork that will include your court date, time, and location.
At court, parties will meet with a Child Support Officer (CSO) or Assistant Attorney General (AAG) to attempt to negotiate an agreed order. If both parties agree to the terms of the order, the order will be presented to the judge for final approval and signature.
If both parties don’t agree to all the terms of the court order, an AAG will present information to the court and the judge will make a final determination regarding the order.
Parties should be aware that cases that go to court may require long waits at the courthouse, and may require more than one appearance to resolve all the issues.
If you have received a notice to appear in court and you are unable to make your scheduled date and time, please Contact Us.