72 Quantity of Work Performance Review Phrases to Achieve More

Why are quantity of work performance review phrases important? ‍ According to a recent study, 63% of employees would like to receive more regular feedback from their managers and 82% feel appreciated when someone takes the time to provide feedback. It highlights the importance of performance reviews for motivating and improving employees' productivity. ‍ In this article, we will provide effective quantity of work performance review phrases to help you deliver constructive feedback. Don’t miss a chance to help your staff members improve their overall performance and maintain a positive attitude at work. ‍

Positive quantity of work performance review phrases

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Negative quantity of work performance review phrases

While providing positive feedback is extremely important, you should remember that constructive criticism is also vital for an employee's development. When they know exactly where and how they can improve, they can start delivering better results. Here are some examples of negative phrases concerning the quantity of work:

  1. Insufficient output compared to the workload.
  2. Failed to complete projects within the given timeframe.
  3. Poorly managed workload resulting in incomplete tasks.
  4. Lack of dedication and effort towards work goals.
  5. Missed deadlines and failed to achieve set objectives.
  6. Inability to manage time effectively, resulting in delays.
  7. Generated unsatisfactory results from assigned tasks.
  8. Consistently made errors despite handling a low volume of work.
  9. Fails to prioritize tasks effectively, resulting in missed deadlines and incomplete projects.
  10. Resisted change and failed to adapt to new demands.
  11. Decreased productivity and output during challenging situations.
  12. Demonstrated disorganization throughout the process.
  13. Failed to meet quality expectations with all output.
  14. Demonstrated a lack of motivation and commitment to work.
  15. Demonstrates a lack of accountability for work completed, frequently blaming other team members for mistakes or missed deadlines.
  16. Decreased work productivity from the previous period.
  17. Fails to take the initiative or show self-motivation in completing assigned tasks.
  18. Delayed completion of projects resulting in missed deadlines.
  19. Unable to resolve complex issues within set deadlines.
  20. Unreliable in meeting deadlines.
  21. Poor management of time and resources, resulting in waste.
  22. Failed to meet business objectives within the budget.
  23. Inability to multitask effectively, resulting in incomplete tasks.
  24. Failed to complete assigned tasks.
  25. Inability to identify and execute solutions to complex problems.
  26. Often fails to provide clear guidance and support to his direct reports, resulting in decreased team productivity.
  27. Fails to take the initiative in completing assigned tasks and depends on other coworkers for guidance and support.
  28. Doesn't listen to other people's ideas, contributing negatively to team performance.
  29. Failed to adjust to changing demands and requirements of projects.
  30. Unable to separate personal life from job responsibilities and focus on the assigned tasks.
  31. Unable to concentrate on important tasks and distracts coworkers from their work.
  32. Rarely pays attention to job functions he is expected to complete.
  33. Consistently takes a negative attitude towards work, decreasing productivity and motivation.
  34. Frequently requires close supervision and guidance to complete complex tasks.
  35. Frequently makes careless mistakes, causing delays and additional work for other team members.
  36. Procrastinates on difficult tasks and is unable to complete work on time.


Effective quantity of work performance review phrases can be a powerful tool for managers to provide feedback and recognition to their team members. Constructive feedback can foster a positive and engaging work environment, leading to higher employee engagement, job satisfaction, and better work quality.

If you incorporate phrases from this article into performance reviews, you can help your team members achieve more with the same amount of work and ultimately contribute to the organization's success.


What should I write for the quantity of work?

When writing about the quantity of work in a performance review or similar document, it is crucial to focus on the employee's ability to produce or complete an expected volume of work within a specific time frame. It can include the number of projects completed, tasks accomplished, or output generated.

It is also important to provide constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement, such as strategies for increasing efficiency or managing workload. Ultimately, the goal should be to give a fair and accurate assessment of the employee's job performance concerning the quantity of work they have produced.

How do you write a performance review for productivity?

When writing a performance review for productivity, it's essential to focus on specific achievements and results rather than just a general assessment of the employee's work. For instance, you may mention the successful completion of projects or the volume of work they produced within a specific time frame. It helps employees understand where they have excelled and areas they can continue to improve.

How do you measure the quantity of work?

Measuring the quantity of work can depend on the nature of the job or project. Here are some general ways to measure the quantity of work: