Ohio Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification Requirements: Who Needs to Get Certified and What Steps to Take

Fertilizer is defined as any dry or liquid formulation containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, or other plant nutrient. Manure and lime are exempt unless mixed with fertilizer materials or distributed with a guaranteed analysis. Fertilizer applied through a planter at planting is exempt, but all other application types and timings (broadcast, side dress, subsurface, knifing, etc.) are included.

Uncertified applicators may apply fertilizer in the situations outlined above if acting under the instruction and control of a certified applicator. An uncertified applicator must be:

Who Is Exempt from Certification

You are exempt from certification if you:

Certified livestock managers (CLM) and certified crop advisors (CCA) are required to hold a fertilizer certification but are exempt from the training or examination requirement. CLMs and CCAs must contact the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) to obtain the certificate.

If you are uncertain about whether you need the fertilizer certification, contact ODA for clarification.

The First Step to Becoming Certified

View of multiple fertilizer bags stacked on top of one another with a wooden pallet in the middle of the stack.

The first step to becoming certified for agricultural fertilizer applications is done in one of two ways: