Towards a new generation of artificial intelligence in China

Artificial intelligence has become a main driving force for a new round of industrial transformation around the world. Many countries including China are seizing the opportunity of the AI revolution to promote domestic economic and technological development. This Perspective briefly introduces the New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan of China (2015–2030) from the point of view of the authors, a group of AI experts from academia and industry who have been involved in various stages of the plan. China’s AI development plan outlines a strategy for science and technology as well as education, tackling a number of challenges such as retaining talent, advancing fundamental research and exploring ethical issues. The New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan is intended to be a blueprint for a complete AI ecosystem for the country.

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We thank H. Shum and Z. Zhang for discussions and comments. We also thank the strategic consulting research project of the Chinese Academy of Engineering ‘AI 2.0 in China’, and the disruptive information technology research group of the Department of Information and Electronic Engineering at the Chinese Academy of Engineering. This paper is partly supported by AI Young Scientists Alliance, STCSM(Xuhui), SHEITC, NSFC (61625107).

Author information

  1. These authors contributed equally: Fei Wu, Cewu Lu, Mingjie Zhu.

Authors and Affiliations

  1. Zhejiang University,, Hangzhou, China Fei Wu, Xi Li, Yueting Zhuang & Yunhe Pan
  2. Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China Cewu Lu
  3. CraiditX, Shanghai, China Mingjie Zhu & Kai Yu
  4. Imsight Medical Technology, Hong Kong, China Hao Chen
  5. Tsinghua University, Beijing, China Jun Zhu
  6. ByteDance, Beijing, China Lei Li
  7. Nanjing University, Nanjing, China Ming Li
  8. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China Qianfeng Chen
  9. Momenta, Beijing, China Xudong Cao
  10. Meituan, Beijing, China Zhongyuan Wang
  11. University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China Zhengjun Zha
  12. Zhejiang Laboratory, Hangzhou, China Yunhe Pan
  1. Fei Wu